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High Interest Credit Card Debt

The clients I generally meet, come to me only after dealing with their financial woes for quite some time. Their problems typically stem from some type of financial setback, such as a prolonged period of job loss, divorce, or a medical issue to name but a few.

Now if the only access they have to credit is high interest rate credit cards, then there may come a time when they can no longer keep up, let alone make any type of dent on the balance they owe. This is the purpose behind seeking bankruptcy relief.

Through out my blogs, I keep mentioning the notion of a fresh start, and that is because the bankruptcy laws were created to do just that for the debtor who sought relief. That is exactly what the Supreme Court stated in Harris v. Viegelahn,575 U. S. ____ (2015) , that the “(t)he Bankruptcy Code provides diverse courses overburdened debtors may pursue to gain discharge of their financial obligations, and thereby a “fresh start.” (quoting Marrama v. Citizens Bank of Mass., 549 U. S. 365, 367 (2007) (quoting Grogan v. Garner, 498 U. S. 279, 286 (1991)).

This concept isn't a new one, in fact historically, the bankruptcy laws have been there helping debtors get relief from their burdensome debts for well over a 100 plus years. This was stated in the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention & Consumers Act of 2001, H.R. Rep.. No 107-3(1), 107tth., at 6 (Feb 26, 2001); whereby, “(a)llowing consumers debtors in financial distress to choose voluntarily an unconditional discharge has been a part of American bankruptcy law since the enactment of the Bankruptcy Act of 1898.The rationale of an unconditional discharge was explained by Congress more that 100 years ago ‘[W]hen an honest man is hopelessly down financially, nothing is gained for the public by keeping him down, but on the contrary, the public good will be promoted by having his assets distributed ratably as far as they will go among his creditors and letting him start anew”).(Emphasis added)

If you are faced with uncontrollable high interest rate credit card balances, that you can no longer keep up with, please CALL ME TODAY! I have a wealth of bankruptcy legal expertise and would sure love to help you, if you choose to hire our office. I am so concerned about my clients that I have a 7-day availability to meet with them. Call me at (989)891-9780, even on weekends and if it’s late at night leave me a message, we will return your call/message. Call and schedule your FREE initial bankruptcy consultation, You can also schedule your free bankruptcy consultation on our website at

You can also find me on Facebook (Meta) at: and by Instagram at: attorneygordonkraftiii


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